9 September 2017

අපි පාර හදමු - පාරෙන් හැදමු: We build the road and the road builds us

The old road through the village of Dolahena badly needed rehabilitation, after battering of heavy rain and the baking of sun. Here are some pictures from a public meeting with local representatives from the Horana Pradesheeya Sabhava(හොරණ ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාව), and from the road work and shramadana.  

The old path through Dolahena had deteriorated after years of thermal cracking and heavy rain erosion, in addition to increasing vehicles traffic. The provincial council (බටහිර පළාත් සභා මන්ත්‍රීවරු) contributed funds for gravel and concrete, and the village contributed voluntary labour for a five day shramadana. The roadbed was rebuilt and surfaced with concrete slabs. The major advantage of concrete pavements is they are typically stronger and more durable than tarmac. The new durable road will be celebrated by the villagers on 21 September. HELP also hopes that the neighboring village soon will be favoured with funds for road maintenance, and that the "shoe bridge" also can be repaired.

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