6 December 2017

The Beauty of Bridges

We commemorate our close friend and teacher, Hans Petter Hanssen, who passed away two years ago, on 6 December 2015. We do so by sharing with you this nice poem written by the Norwegian poet Rolf Jacobsen. We believe that Hans Petter enjoyed this particular piece of written art, which celebrates the spanning structures of social life, love and friendship.

Stål eller stein. Der står de
brospennenes strenge buer
meislet inn i landskapet
som porter til fred.
Verrazano Narrow Bridge, Bosporus,
Rheinbrücke, Sotra -
og Sortlandsspennene, Golden Gate
lysende som smykker, blomsterkranser,
kniplinger kastet gjennom luften:
Min hånd i din. Kom over og se.
Regnbuen sier: Se på meg. Jeg er en bro.
Jeg er et tegn på himmelen. Bygg broer.
Bøy dere. Løft armene til en bue.
Bind sammen. Bryt lenker. Bygg.
Se stålsøyler og tårn mot skyene:
En bro.
Hør vindfløyten mellom wirene:
En bro
To mennesker møter. Ansiktene blusser:
En bro
Ord som blir sagt. Hengivelse, fred:
En bro.
Rolf Jacobsen
Steel or stone. There are they,
the bridge spans strong arches
carved into the landscape
like gates to peace.
Verranzano narrow Bridge, Bosporus,
Rheinbrücke, Sotra - 
and the Sortlandsspans, Golden Gate
lightning like jewels, garlands
laces thrown through the air:
My hand in yours. Come over and see.
The rainbow says: See me. I'm a bridge.
I'm a sign on the sky. Build bridges.
Kneel. Raise your arms like an arch.
Link together. Break chains. Build.
See steel columns and towers against the sky:
A bridge.
Hear the wind whistling between the wires:
A bridge .
Two people meet. The faces blush.
A bridge.
Words beeing spoken. Devotion, peace:
A bridge.
 (Free translation by Odd Johansen)
The small Hanssen bridge in Dolahena is still here, allowing people from all over the world to come across and meet each other, literary speaking. The small pond under the bridge is now full of colorful fishes. And the two-storey Sathkara school building has grown in number of rooms, doors and windows – inviting more children and young people to come and enjoy the faculties of art. This is part of the dream that Hans Petter nourished – a village school devoted to cultural and crafts activitites, far from the school imparting dead knowledge.

“Say not in grief that he is no more, but live in thankfulness that he was.” (Hebrew proverb)

Dolahena and Gjøvik, 6th of December 2017
Siripala, Sriyani and Asbjørn
In memory of Hans Petter: A flower tree ( Dracaena reflexa, called 'Song of India') was planted, and Sriyani offered flowers and lit a candle.

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