23 December 2011

Highlights from HELP's annual report 2011

1. Sathkara educational activities: We are completing our SATHKARA (සත්කාර) education program successfully in Millaniya and Horana. The programme has involved about 45 children and 3 teachers, with classes and activitites every weekend and some poyadays, We did not conduct a cultural festival this year, but plan to take everybody on a bus trip.

2. We had to stop the Millaniya classes recently because the roof of the house, where we conduct our programme, leaks and has to be repaired. Probably we can start classes again in January.

3. Tree planting programme around the temple premises together with Sathkara children and parents. Temple on the top of the mountain call Subodharamaya, over 100 trees including Mahogani, Naa, fruits and coconut trees.

4. HELP organized the Vesak festival in May sharing food with over 1,500 pilgrims. The pilgrims visit different temples nearby and they travel until dawn so they need some food.

5. We held the workshop under new concept of life building (Divi Näguma දිවි නැඟුම) by the government. 100 farmers were participated and they were trained for making compost, preparing vegetable beds, planting and maintaining fruit trees and how to develop the quality of the soil. After the workshop they all got 5 kg of sample compost. HELP will be the local centre for the programme in the future.

6. HELP organized Shramadanas to clean the sides of the roads in Dolahena and Aggona.

7. Our books collection of SATHKARA library was poor, and we bought some new books.

8. HELP carried on campaigns throughout the year against Dengue and raised awareness about how to clean the surrounding of the house premises and the gardens.

9. The video projector is working very well and is very useful for our programmes.

Siripala Gamage

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