6 May 2012

Vesak Dansäla

Vesak is celebrated as a religious and a cultural festival in Sri Lanka on the full moon day of the lunar month of Vesak (usually falls on the month of May), for about one week. The full moon day (yesterday 5 May) was a very important day for the Buddhist people, it is sometimes informally called "Buddha's Birthday". It was on the Day of Vesak two and a half millennia ago, in the year 623 B.C., that the Buddha was born. It was also on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha attained enlightenment, and it was on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha in his eightieth year passed away. Today (6 May) we arrange a Bath Dansäla (en bod for gratis rismåltid, බත් දන්සැල) for the pilgrims. And our Sathkara children organise another Beema Dansäla (bod for gratis servering av drikke, මීම දන්සැල) in the Mahena (මාහේන) junction. On the picture you can see our food stall providing free food and drinks to the Vesak passersby / pilgrims.

 On our second picture is our electrically lit pandol called torana (තොරණ), erected in Horana. Each pandol illustrates a story from the 550 Jataka Katha or the 550 Past Life Stories of the Buddha. In addition, colourful lanterns called Vesak koodu are hung along streets and in front of homes.

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