29 September 2012

Drama workshop with Sri Palee ශ්‍රීපාලි University

HELP held a drama workshop yesterday with and for the students of Sri Palee campus. And we are planning to held an art workshop for the O/L students within the month of October. You can see from our pictures that we played a school class, a court and a hospital.
We organised the drama workshop with the help of two lecturers from Sri Palee campus who are living on the upstairs of the HELP building. About 25 students participated and some professionals also came.
"What are the basics of peace education? What ignites it, what powers the process? The study of peaceful societies, societies in social balance, may give us some answers to questions we educators ask. I have found in my studies of tribal societies, mostly in South - East Asia, an intimate connection between artistic training and education for citizenship. Music, dance and theatre are important arenas for training in democratic participation and conflict transformation." Kjell Skyllstad

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