2 October 2012

Public water to Dolahena and Aggona

The two neighboring villages of Dolahena and Aggona, close to Horana, will receive safe and sufficient public water supply in the near future. HELP invited our village people and our politicans from the local village council (ප්රාදේශීය සභාව, rural municipality unit, Norw. ‘herredsstyre’) to discuss the current needs of the local community. Repairing the main road, better water supply and agricultural support were the main development activities on the agenda. We also discussed the commitments of the parties and a time table.

The political response was very quick, and HELP has started organizing shramadanas (ශ්‍රමදානය, Norw. ‘dugnad’) to dig and fill trenches, laying water pipes along the Dolahena and Aggona road.
After finished this water project we have planned to repair the roads.

“1f one follows the way of the ignorant and does not use a strainer to strain the water he drinks, it would lead to suffering and calamity. Strain the water you drink, for thereby impurities and smaller organisms in the water may not enter your body.” Buddha

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