23 November 2012

Children's Perahera

Recently, we arranged a religious Perahera (පෙරහැර) from Dolahena and Aggona to the temple. 

The 'Perahera' is a common activity in our country. It is a procession where people, neatly line up and walk single file from one point to another to participate in some activity, generally a religious function. Often they carry flags or some decorative material. Right in front a couple of drummers would march beating their drums. The sound of makes everyone know that a 'perahera' is on the way and they gather by the roadside to watch it. The drummers are followed by dancers, who are clad in their costumes and march forward while performing.

Our Perahera is organized once a year, in October-November. We walk to the local temple to offer the monks a new yellow robe to wear during the rainy season. For the first time, this year's Perahera passed through our villages of Dolahena and Aggona.

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