9 December 2012

Annual report 2012

  1. We are completing our SATHKARA education program successfully.
  2. HELP arranged a new year festival and a cricket tournament in April for young people in Dolahena, Aggona and Galkaduwa.
  3. HELP participated with organizing the Wesak festival in May sharing food with over 2500 pilgrims.
  4. Carried on Dengue prevention activities throughout the year with the help of Grama Niladari, MOH office and Sathkara children.5.      Road cleaning and tree planting activities were held on the world Environment day and the world Children`s day.
  5. Organized a SEELA BHAVANA (observing 8 precepts and meditation) program for all the Sathkara children on the full moon day in August. The monks came from the temple for the sermons and other activities. Food and other necessities were supplied.
  6. Arranged several meetings with local authorities and the people in Dolahena and Aggona to supply the basic need of water. The meetings were successful and we had to organize Shramadanas for digging and filling for the pipe lines.
  7. Held a drama workshop for the students of the campus with the help of the teachers and the professionals.
  8. An art workshop was organized for Sathkara children and school children with an art   competition.
  9. Still a dancing workshop and a drama workshop to be held in December. And an environment and educational trip for Sathkara children to be organized.

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